| Hardware Wallet (Official)

Get started on the path to secure crypto storage with Explore our range of hardware wallets for seamless protection of your digital wealth.

Launching into Security: Your Startup Roadmap

Launching into security with is a smart move to safeguard your cryptocurrency holdings. Here's your startup roadmap to kickstart your journey:

1. Research and Education:

  • Familiarize yourself with the concept of hardware wallets and why they are essential for securing cryptocurrencies.

  • Learn about's reputation, features, and how it differs from other hardware wallets.

2. Purchase Your Trezor Device:

  • Visit the official Trezor website ( and select the hardware wallet model that meets your requirements.

  • Complete the purchase process and await delivery of your Trezor device.

3. Unboxing and Setup:

  • Carefully unbox your Trezor device and ensure all components are present.

  • Connect your Trezor device to your computer or mobile device using the provided USB cable.

4. Initialization and PIN Setup:

  • Follow the on-screen instructions on the Trezor website to initialize your device.

  • Set up a secure PIN code to restrict access to your Trezor device.

5. Backup Your Recovery Seed:

  • Write down your recovery seed on the provided recovery card.

  • Store the recovery seed in a secure location away from unauthorized access.

6. Install Trezor Wallet Software:

  • Download and install the Trezor Wallet software compatible with your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).

  • Connect your Trezor device to your computer and open the Trezor Wallet software.

7. Accessing Your Wallet:

  • Enter your PIN code on your Trezor device to unlock it.

  • Use the Trezor Wallet software to view your wallet balance and manage your cryptocurrencies.

8. Receiving Cryptocurrencies:

  • Generate a receiving address from your Trezor wallet interface.

  • Share this address with others to receive cryptocurrencies securely.

9. Sending Cryptocurrencies:

  • Select the cryptocurrency you want to send from your Trezor wallet interface.

  • Enter the recipient's address and the amount you want to send.

  • Confirm the transaction on your Trezor device.

10. Securing Your Device:

  • Keep your Trezor device in a safe and secure location when not in use.

  • Avoid sharing your PIN code or recovery seed with anyone.

  • Regularly update your Trezor device firmware to ensure the latest security patches are applied.

11. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

  • Stay updated on cryptocurrency security best practices and's latest developments through official channels.

  • Explore advanced features of, such as passphrase encryption and multi-signature wallets.

By following this roadmap, you'll be well-equipped to launch into security with and protect your cryptocurrency assets effectively.

Last updated